Residential Fire Damage Restoration Rescue

When a severe fire engulfed a residential property, it left behind extensive damage across all three levels, turning what was once a cherished home into a scene of devastation. This case study details the comprehensive fire damage restoration efforts undertaken to return the property to a safe and habitable state. From deploying cutting-edge technology to address airborne contaminants to meticulous cleaning and disposal of fire-damaged materials, this narrative showcases the challenging yet rewarding process of restoring peace of mind to the affected homeowners.

fire damage restoration
fire damage restoration


A residential property sustained extensive fire damage, affecting all three levels and causing significant structural and content damage. This severe fire damage compromised the integrity of the walls, floors, and ceilings, spreading soot and hazardous particles throughout the property. Each level presented unique challenges, with the upper floors requiring detailed attention to ensure thorough decontamination and disposal of fire-damaged items, including personal belongings, furniture, and building materials.

This severe fire damage compromised the integrity of the walls, floors, and ceilings, spreading soot and hazardous particles throughout the property.


The fire damage restoration work began with the installation of air filtration devices and hydroxyl technology across all three levels to control airborne pollutants and eliminate odours. All fire-damaged contents and belongings, such as carpets, underlay, plaster walls, and insulation, were meticulously removed and disposed of. On the second floor, all items affected by the fire, including beds, mattresses, and personal items, were discarded along with damaged curtains, light fittings, and split system units. HEPA vacuuming was conducted on all surfaces to remove soot particles, followed by a comprehensive application of fire-restore treatments to remediate walls, ceilings, and floors. Salvageable items, such as certain doors, windows, and sliding doors, were treated and restored to their original condition. External areas, including the façade and pathways, were pressure washed to remove soot and smoke deposits, ensuring that every area of the property underwent thorough cleaning and remediation as part of the fire damage restoration process.

fire damage restoration


The detailed remediation and cleaning works successfully restored the property to a safe and liveable condition across all three levels. The air filtration and hydroxyl technology significantly improved indoor air quality, effectively removing airborne contaminants and residual odours. All materials affected by fire damage and damaged building elements were removed, and the structural integrity of the property was reinforced through meticulous cleaning and treatment of all surfaces. The property owner expressed satisfaction with the high standard of the fire damage restoration work and the efficiency of the restoration process, allowing them to move forward with confidence in rebuilding and refurnishing their property.

Does your property need professional fire damage restoration? Trust the expert with AllAces Cleaning & Restoration today!

Picture of Aaron Gilbert

Aaron Gilbert

AllAces Cleaning & Restoration Expert
Aaron is a seasoned professional with over 16 years of experience in the restoration industry. Specialising in large-scale restoration projects and water damage restoration, Aaron has built a reputation for delivering exceptional results in challenging situations.