How to Remove Mould using Vinegar (Step-by-Step)

Mould Cleaning using Vinegar

Mould is a common issue for most property owners, and it can be dangerous to your health. In minor cases, mould removal can be successful using natural remedies such as vinegar. Vinegar is a powerful mould killer that can help prevent growth in your property. In severe cases, the help of professional mould removal Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne with AllAces Cleaning & Restoration may be required.  

 What Factors Influence Mould Growth?

Mould thrives in moist, warm, and humid conditions. High humidity, water leaks, poor ventilation, and condensation are all common causes of mould growth. Mould spores can grow and spread quickly once they find a suitable environment, causing health problems such as allergies and respiratory issues. Certain types of mould, such as black mould, can be extremely dangerous with the need for professional mould removal if spotted.  

How Does Vinegar Aid in Mould Removal?

Vinegar is an acidic liquid that can kill certain moulds. The acid in vinegar degrades the structure of the mould and kills it. It also prevents the formation of new mould spores. Furthermore, vinegar is a safe, natural, and inexpensive alternative to harsh chemicals. 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Vinegar to Remove Mould

Step 1: Safeguard Yourself 

Before you begin cleaning, make sure you are properly protected by wearing gloves, a mask, and safety goggles. This will help to avoid any allergic reactions or respiratory issues that may occur during the cleaning process. 

Step 2: Mix the Vinegar Solution 

In a spray bottle, combine equal parts white vinegar and water. To mask the vinegar’s strong odour, add a few drops of essential oils. 

Step 3: Spray the Mouldy Area 

Spray the mouldy area with the vinegar solution, making sure to completely saturate it. Allow the solution to sit for 30 minutes to an hour on the surface, depending on the severity of the mould. 

Step 4: Scrub the Surface 

After the solution has sat for a while, scrub the surface thoroughly with a scrub brush or sponge. If the mould is stubborn, you can scrub it away with a baking soda and vinegar paste. 

Step 5: Rinse and Dry 

Using a clean towel or cloth, rinse and dry the surface. To prevent future mould growth, make sure the area is completely dry. 

How to Avoid Mould Growth?

Minor mould growth can be avoided with vinegar; however, prevention is also important. Mould prevention methods include: 

  • Open windows or use a dehumidifier to keep your property well-ventilated. 
  • Repair any water leaks as soon as possible. 
  • Maintain a humidity level of 30-50% in your property. 
  • Clean and dry damp areas such as bathrooms and kitchens on a regular basis. 
  • If possible, use mould-resistant paints and materials. 

 Finally, vinegar can be an effective natural way to propel minor mould growth within your property. In severe cases of mould growth, the professional mould removal Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne team at AllAces Cleaning & Restoration is here to help. AllAces has been in the industry for over 30 years offering exceptional service, advanced technologies, and industry accreditations. 

 Our mould removal Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne teams can guarantee results, no matter the extent of mould growth. AllAces offers a specific Mould & Inspection Package including: 

  • Identifying the severity and extent of mould growth  
  • Checking the humidity and moisture levels in the property  
  • Detecting the sources of moisture  
  • Recommendations for root cause rectification and symptom remediation  

Trust in the knowledge and experience of AllAces mould removal Sydney, Brisbane & Melbourne team and find out more below. 

To Learn more about mould removal services: 

Mould removal Melbourne 

Mould removal Sydney  

Mould removal Brisbane 

Contact AllAces today on 1800 00 10 10! 


Which mould is dangerous? 

Black mould, also known as Stachybotrys Chartarum, can be dangerous. Exposure to black mould can cause respiratory problems, headaches, and even long-term health issues. It’s important to have any mould growth, especially black mould, removed promptly and professionally. 

Will mould die without moisture? 

Yes, most moulds require moisture to grow and will eventually die without it. However, some moulds can survive for long periods of time without moisture and may start growing again when conditions become favourable. It’s important to address mould growth promptly and fix any sources of moisture to prevent its return. 

Are mould spores dangerous? 

Mould spores can be dangerous if they are inhaled or encounter the skin or eyes. Exposure to mould spores can cause allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and other health issues.  

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