Case Study: Deceased Estate Cleaning Services

Case Study: Deceased Estate Cleaning Services

What are Deceased Estate Cleaning Services?

Deceased estate cleaning services are specialised cleaning and organisation services offered for properties that belonged to someone who has recently passed away. When a person dies, their property often contains a lifetime of possessions, and the task of sorting, cleaning, and preparing the property for sale or inheritance can be emotionally and physically challenging for the bereaved family or friends.

Case Study: Carnegie, Victoria

Client: Domestic

Project: Estate Clean-up

Job Type: Deceased estate cleaning services

Completion Date: August 31st, 2023

The Challenge

In July of 2023, a grieving family approached AllAces Cleaning & Restoration in search of compassionate and discreet deceased estate cleaning services. The task was delicate and demanded the utmost respect and professionalism.

The Solution

Meticulous and considerate, our IICRC-certified technicians embarked on the task with the family’s consent. We meticulously sorted, cleaned, and responsibly disposed of items no longer needed. Every carpeted area was deep cleaned, sanitised, and refreshed. Tiled surfaces received a thorough acid wash, while all internal surfaces were meticulously cleaned with antimicrobials.

Deceased estate cleaning services Deceased estate cleaning services

The Outcome

Over the span of 40 dedicated hours, and with the aid of 2 advanced air scrubbers running for two days, the home was gracefully restored, ready for the family’s next steps.

At AllAces, our mission is clear: deliver unparalleled results with empathy and precision. Every service we offer is designed to bring peace of mind and a complete restoration solution.

Deceased estate cleaning services Deceased estate cleaning services


  1. What exactly is included in a deceased estate cleaning service?
    Deceased estate cleaning services encompass a range of tasks, including the removal and sorting of personal items, deep cleaning of the property, and sometimes minor repairs or maintenance. The primary goal is to prepare the property for sale, inheritance, or occupancy while treating the belongings and memories of the deceased with utmost respect.
  2. How long does the cleaning process usually take?
    The duration can vary depending on the size of the property, the volume of possessions, and the specific requirements set by the family or executor. It can be as short as a few days or extended over several weeks. It’s best to consult with the cleaning service for an estimated timeline based on the specifics of the estate.
  3. How do you handle sensitive and personal items found in the estate?
    Sensitive and personal items are treated with the utmost respect and discretion. Typically, such items are set aside and presented to the family or executor for review and decision. Our priority is always to ensure the memories and belongings of the deceased are handled with care and reverence.

Why Choose AllAces?

AllAces Cleaning & Restoration has more than 35 years of industry experience, servicing a wide range of clients across Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne. Our complete solution services include deceased estate cleaning, hoarding, mould remediation, trauma cleaning and numerous other services. Our IICRC-certified technicians are trained and experienced to handle each project with the utmost care and discretion, providing a professional, genuine, and reliable service every time.

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