Carpet odour can slowly accumulate over time or come as the result of a sudden accident – spillage, flooding, etc. Whatever the circumstances, having a smelly carpet is no fun for anyone living in, or visiting, your home or place of work.
There are a number of reasons your carpet may begin to develop an odour. The main problems we see are below:
There are a few old wife’s tricks in circulation that claim to help mitigate or mask the odours that plague your carpet – white vinegar and baking soda get mentioned a lot… These do work to an extent, however, if you are faced with a significant odour and it’s degrading your quality of life, you need the professionals to step in.
The AllAces approach is simple:
Unfortunately, in some cases, the carpet is too far gone and it will need to be lifted so that the underlay can be replaced and sub-floor treated.
Our team has an extremely high success rate for a diverse range of odours. If we can identify the source, odour removal is almost always permanent. Should the source be unknown, however, we cannot be as specific in our approach and there is risk that it will not fully remove the smell.
It is always best to speak to us directly about your unique situation. You can call AllAces Cleaning & Restoration on 1800 00 1010 for advice today.