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Mould Cleaning vs Restoration

Mould removal sydney

Mould Cleaning vs Restoration 

Oh no! You’ve discovered mould growing…But what’s the best way to get rid of it? Mould cleaning? Or mould restoration? 

There can be confusion around what cleaning and restoration entail. Mould cleaning is generally a basic, surface-level clean. This is great for dirt or dust but isn’t adequate for problems like mould or other more complex issues like fungi and viruses. Mould restoration is a deeper clean where remediation skills and tools are used to restore affected objects. 

For example, mould growing on a car seat can’t just be cleaned and wiped off. The mould can grow and live deep within the porous fibres of the seat and therefore need to be restored and remediated otherwise the problem looks to be solved but isn’t fixed at its origin point.  

At AllAces Cleaning and Restoration, we offer restoration services to give you a deep and high-quality clean. This is done through our use of hydroxyl machines, which emit a UV-C light (like sun rays) that eliminates odour and kills mould spores, cleaning the air. Hydroxyl machines are also safe to use with sensitive materials, meaning that the item can truly be restored as the remediation process doesn’t shorten the item’s lifespan. 

Hydroxyl generators are one of the truly state-of-the-art tools we use to resolve restoration issues. Because hydroxyl particles are microscopic, they are capable of reaching and cleaning mould-infected areas where our hands cannot! As effective as they are, what’s astounding is that these particles are created through natural events. When the sun’s UV rays hit the water hydroxyls are created which naturally clean harmful bacteria, mould and so much more. 

Read more about our Hydroxyl generators and machines here! 

If you have items in your house that need a surface wipe and proper rearrangement, you should be looking for a mould cleaning service provider. However, if you are seeking a detailed cleaning of not only the items of your property but also of the property itself, it may be beneficial to consider a full professional restoration service. While a simple cleaning job may entail the removal of dust, stains or even mould, it won’t be able to deal with the root of your issues. 

As mentioned, AllAces always deals with the “root” of your problems allowing you to relax without worrying about any future complications which is why we’re known as the Masters of Disasters. 


“Isn’t restoration done on buildings, art or museums?” 

Ans. Restoration just means to use tools and skills to bring an item back to its original state or as close to that original state as possible that has been impacted by external forces. While this can be used to restore objects affected by age, the word also applies to items affected by mould among other things.  

“Can I clean mould myself with bleach at home?” 

Ans. Yes but no. While there are lots of DIY mould removal hacks online, popular ones like bleach don’t properly remove mould growth. Even if the mould is killed, its spores are still able to be spread even after chemicals such as bleach are applied to it. What’s worse is that bleach can harm its user through symptoms such as irritation if not used with caution. As professionals, we, therefore, cannot recommend DIY home cleaning solutions like bleach and instead recommend IICRC-accredited cleaning and restoration services like those provided by AllAces. You can read more about mould and bleach here 

“Why do I need to get rid of mould?”

Ans. Mould, if left untreated, can create health risks for yourself or others in your home or business. Mould will continue to spread through mould spores in the air which can damage infected items and become dangerous to inhale. Therefore, removing any mould that may appear and ensuring that your space has adequate light and ventilation can prevent mould growth in the future. 

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