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The renowned UTS library in Sydney was faced with a substantial challenge – a severe mould problem that had affected its vast collection of 644,000 books. Needing to return the collection to a pre-loss condition before the start of the new academic year, the library turned to AllAces Cleaning & Restoration.
Addressing the library’s immediate need, AllAces constructed a specialised cleaning production facility equipped to manage the substantial task. Drawing on their proficiency in disaster restoration, AllAces developed an efficient, automated process that optimised productivity while reducing potential risks.
Employing the custom automated process, the AllAces team managed to achieve a cleaning rate exceeding 10,000 books within a 24-hour timeframe, translating to a rate of one book every three seconds. In addition, stringent quality control efforts maintained an error rate of a mere 0.01%. The library’s collection was effectively restored before the commencement of the academic year.