Moisture Meters

Moisture Meters

Delmhorst TotalCheck 3-in-1 Meter

Delmhorst TotalCheck Moisture MeterScan and pin moisture modes and a thermo-hygrometer that measures ambient Temperature and RH and calculates Dew point and GPP. Relative Humidity is a crucial factor to consider when installing a floor over a concrete sub floor.

The RH sensor of TotalCheck is removable and conforms to the ASTM F-2170 standard to determine if concrete floors have dried adequately before installing a floor covering.

Tramex CME4 Concrete Encounter

Tramex CME 4 Moisture Meter…for measuring moisture content, instantly, in concrete floors and floor screeds without the need to drill or damage the surface.

  • Regular checking of moisture content during the drying out period of a new concrete floor or floor screed is important to ensure it has reached sufficient dryness to accept the floor covering.
  • Excess moisture in the concrete could cause latent problems such as condensation or failure of the adhesive under the floor covering.
  • The Concrete Encounter 4 will give you an instant reading of moisture content up to 6% concrete; up to 0-10 comparative on gypsum screed enabling you to make an informed decisions on when to install the floor covering.
  • To use, simply switch on and hold the instrument firmly against the surface. As many non-destructive tests as you need can be carried out in seconds without the need to drill or damage the concrete.

HydroSensor II

Hydrosensor 2Map the migration of water in carpet and pad without straining your back. The HydroSensor II has a collapsible shaft that extends to 31″ to save your knees and posture. Sensitive nickel-plated points alert you to moisture content above 17 percent. Use only on carpet and pad.

  • Extends to 31″ for use
  • Collapses to 17″ for storage
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Nickel-plated, retractable points

Lignomat Non-Penetrating / Pinless Wood Moisture Meter

Lignomat Non-penetrating, pinless wood moisture meterAll Lignomat Ligno-Scanner moisture meters give true wood moisture readings in percent using built-in corrections for different species. For ease-of-operation a HOLD function is built-in.

With a pinless moisture meter you can quickly scan a large number of boards. Pinless moisture meters are essential when checking finished products such as cabinet doors, table tops and ready-to-sell furniture, where pins would leave visible marks. Ideal for building inspectors to assess moisture conditions and water damage in buildings, especially since Scanners can also be used for non-wood building materials such as drywall, concrete, tile, etc.

Wagner MMI 1100 Moisture Meter

wagner-mmi1100-moisturemeterWith all of the features of our popular MMC220 wood meter, the MMI1100 moisture meter also includes data collection and is perfect for QC personnel for those applications where simple data analysis is critical.

Materials to Measure

Common softwoods and hardwoods as well as tropical species Other Building Products – relative reading on materials with similar densities to wood

Specific Applications

Designed for applications in either lumber producing or wood manufacturing markets, the MMI1100 moisture meter is easy to use, easy to program and offers data collection and assessment capabilities in the palm of your hand.

With its Extended Range Specific Gravity (SG) to measure both domestic and exotic woods, the MMI1100 can quickly and accurately scan many board feet of lumber in just seconds and can store up to 50 moisture content (MC) readings for quality control data analysis. The meter will display the high, low and the average of the stored MC readings.

Wagner Meters’ IntelliSense™ Technology ensures that the MM1100 is measuring deeply IN the wood for a true moisture picture without damage to the wood surface and without interference from surface moisture. And like all of the meters at Wagner Meters, there is no need to adjust moisture content (MC) readings for temperature.

The MMI1100, with its Press and Hold feature, allows you to take the MC reading in dark areas or hard to reach areas in the plant and the display holds the reading once the meter is removed, letting you quickly and easily view the MC reading.

Lightweight, easy to operate, with an extended range SG and data collection capabilities, the MMI1100 gives quick and accurate MC readings right on the floor of the manufacturing site.

21-E Electrode for Moisture Meters

21-E Electrode for Moisture Meters

  • Whenever you need high quality moisture meters come to us. The 21- E comes with two pins (insulated) 80mm penetration and can be used on insulation and roofs
  • Also available as a 21-ET with a tapped handle. This feature allows you to attach a threaded extension pole — great for checking moisture in high and hard to reach places.
  • Also available as a 21-E/001 with 170mm pins for EIFS

22-E Electrode for Moisture Meters

22-E Electrode for Moisture Meters

We have an excellent range of moisture meters that are great for checking moisture in high and hard to reach places.

  • Two pins
  • 12mm penetration
  • Use on plaster, masonry and wood
  • Will also take #496, insulated pins, 30mm penetration
  • Also available as a 22-ET with a tapped handle. This feature allows you to attach a threaded extension pole — great for checking moisture in high and hard to reach places.

26-ES Electrode for Moisture Meters

26-ES Electrode for Moisture Meters

  • 30mm penetration
  • Use to measure moisture content in wood at different levels of penetration
  • Ideal for shell and core tests to detect moisture gradients and to test timber with wet surfaces
  • Also available as type 26-ED with depth gauge
  • 26-ES Parts List

19-E Electrode for Moisture Meters

19-E Electrode for Moisture Meters

The 19-E electrode features two flat blades 127mm long. Great for checking behind architraves, mouldings and paper.

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