Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration

 Flooded Basement Cleanup & Restoration

Flooding in Brisbane affects many properties. The most common area of a home that is affected by flooding is the basement. We understand the stress of the situation. If the water sits for too long in the basement it can become a disaster. At AllAces Cleaning & Restoration, we understand how important it is that you get your problem sorted. Therefore, it is important that you have a dedicated basement flood recovery and restoration team like AllAces to solve the problem.

Below is outlined a few steps you can take to lessen any damage and prevent secondary damage of a flooded area.

What to do if your basement has been flooded:

  • The most important thing to do if your home is located in a low-lying area is to have your basement checked regularly during heavy rains or major thaw. By doing this, you can prevent any damage caused by water and avoid the costly repair.
  • If your basement has flooded, the first thing to do is check if there are any active electrical wires. Ensure that you do not stand in any water and ensure to switch off the electrical fuse. Make sure that you do not touch any items that have a live electric current running in it.
  • If you have a flooded basement, it is important to cut off the source of water and try to channel the water into drainage. This needs to be done before any cleanup is started.
  • Next, it is important to dry out any water damaged items. Once dried, they should be sprayed with solution to avoid growth of mould and mildew.
  • If there is still water in the basement, even after channelling the water to drainage, you can use the wet/dry vacuum to remove the water. In addition, a pump and sweeping can help in this situation.
  • Once the water has been removed, the remaining moisture can be mopped up and fans can be installed to dry the area. Using fans for at least 24 hours can help to dry the floor. You should take into consideration that a concrete surface may have retained a lot of moisture as it is porous in nature.
  • The growth of mould and mildew is natural after flooding, especially when water has been allowed to stand for more than a day. When removing or killing mould, it is important that a specific solution is used and sprayed on all surfaces of the basement. However, this must be done after all the water has been removed.

Flooded basement cleanups can be tricky and time consuming. You may think that the surface is dry, but it is not. Having a professional who specialises in the restoration process can help you save time and money. If you or someone that you know is in need of a flooded basement restoration, contact AllAces Cleaning & Restoration on 1800 00 1010.

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